Whichever basis you wish to make your application for ILR, you need to provide evidences of compliance of immigration rules throughout your residence in the UK and meet specific requirements of the immigration category you are applying under.

At Nasim and Co Solicitors, we offer our expertise of advising and representing our clients in making their applications for ILR. We offer quality services at competitive rates and have a good track record of success.

People come to the UK for various purposes on temporary or long term visas and mostly have to return to their countries of origin upon completion of their job / study / visit. There are however some family / work / business related immigration categories which lead to settlement (ILR) in the UK.

Whoever has indefinite leave to remain (ILR) or Indefinite leave to enter (ILE) or permanent residence in the UK, has no time limit on his stay in the UK which includes no work restrictions and eligibility to recourse of public funds. ILR is also a prerequisite of naturalization application. We deal and are specialist in all types of ILR applications:

    1. Spouse, partner and children

    2. Work Permit, HSMP etc. – NON PBS Categories

    3. Tier 1 & Tier 2

    4. Other Categories